How to convert mAh to Ah

How to convert electric charge of milliamp-hour (mAh) to amp-hour (Ah).

milliamper-hour to ampere-hour conversion

To convert electric charge in milliampere-hours Q(mAh) to electric charge in ampere-hours Q(Ah), you can use the following formula:

Q(Ah) = Q(mAh) / 1000


So amp-hour is equal to milliamp-hour divided by 1000:

ampere-hours = milliampere-hours / 1000


Ah = mAh / 1000


  • Q(Ah) is the electric charge in ampere-hours and
  • Q(mAh), is the electric charge in milliampere-hours.

To use the formula, simply substitute the value for Q(mAh) in milliampere-hours into the equation and solve for Q(Ah) in ampere-hours.

For example, if you have an electric charge of 200 milliampere-hours, you can convert it to ampere-hours like this:

Q = 200mAh / 1000 = 0.2Ah

This means that the electric charge is 0.2 ampere-hours.

It's important to note that this formula only applies to converting electric charge from milliampere-hours to ampere-hours. If you are trying to convert electric charge from a different unit, you'll need to use a different formula.



How to convert Ah to mAh ►


See also


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