Milliampere-hours to ampere-hours conversion

Milliampere-hours (Ah) to ampere-hours (Ah) electric charge conversion calculator and how to convert.

Milliampere-hours to ampere-hours calculator

Enter the electrical charge in milliampere-hours and press the Convert button:

Ampere-hours result: Ah

Ah to mAh conversion calculator ►

How to convert milliampere-hours to ampere-hours

1mAh = 0.001Ah


1Ah = 1000mAh

Milliampere-hours to ampere-hours formula

The charge in ampere-hours Q(Ah) is equal to the charge in milliampere-hours Q(mAh) divided by 1000:

Q(Ah) = Q(mAh) / 1000

Example 1

Convert 2 milliampere-hours to ampere-hours:

Q(Ah) = 2mAh / 1000 = 0.002Ah

Example 2

Convert 5 milliampere-hours to ampere-hours:

Q(Ah) = 5mAh / 1000 = 0.005Ah

Example 3

Convert 10 milliampere-hours to ampere-hours:

Q(Ah) = 10mAh / 1000 = 0.01Ah

Example 4

Convert 15 milliampere-hours to ampere-hours:

Q(Ah) = 15mAh / 1000 = 0.05Ah

Milliampere-hours to ampere-hours table

Milliampere-hours (mAh) Ampere-hours (Ah)
0 mAh 0 Ah
1 mAh 0.001 Ah
10 mAh 0.01 Ah
100 mAh 0.1 Ah
1000 mAh 1 Ah
10000 mAh 10 Ah
100000 mAh 100 Ah
1000000 mAh 1000 Ah


Ah to mAh conversion ►


How do you convert mA to amps?

To convert milliamps to amperes, divide the number of milliamps by 1000. Formula: Amps = MilliAmps 1000. Abbreviation: A = mA 1000. Formula: MilliAmps = Amps × 1000. Abbreviation: MA = A × 1000.

What is 2.5 mA in ampere?

so 2.5mA=0.0025 ampere.

How many amps is a 100Ah battery?

100 amperes A 100Ah battery has a capacity of 100 amps at its disposal. How long this can last depends on the electrical requirements of the applications you are operating and how many of them there are. A 100Ah hour battery will supply 100 amps of current for 1 hour, 50 amps for 2 hours, or 100 amps for one hour.

How long will a 100Ah battery last?

The 100Ah battery can last anywhere from 120 hours (running 10W equipment) to 36 minutes (running 2,000W equipment). 100Ah 12V battery has a capacity of 1.2 kWh; That's over 2% of the battery capacity of a Tesla Model 3 car.

What does 200Ah battery mean?

So what is an amp hour? The amp hour refers to the amount of current supplied from the battery over a given period of time. If you have a 200ah battery, it can supply 20 continuous amps for 10 hours or 10 amps for more than 20 hours.

See also

Features of Milliampere-hours to ampere-hours Converter Tool

A milliampere-hour (mAh) to ampere-hour (Ah) converter is a tool that allows you to convert a value in milliampere-hours to ampere-hours or vice versa. Some possible features of such a converter tool could include:

  1. A user-friendly interface that allows you to easily enter the value you want to convert and select the desired unit of measurement.

  2. The ability to convert both small and large values, with support for a wide range of units, including mAh, Ah, and other units of electric charge.

  3. The ability to perform conversions in both directions, allowing you to convert from mAh to Ah and vice versa.

  4. Support for different number formats, including decimal, scientific, and engineering notation.

  5. An accurate and reliable conversion algorithm that uses the most up-to-date conversion factors to ensure the highest level of accuracy.

  6. The ability to perform multiple conversions in a single session, allowing you to easily compare and contrast different values.

  7. An intuitive user interface that makes it easy to use the tool, even if you are not familiar with the units of electric charge.

Overall, a milliampere-hour to ampere-hour converter tool should provide a convenient and easy-to-use way to perform quick and accurate conversions between these units of electric charge.

Milliampere-hours (mAh) and ampere-hours (Ah) are units of electric charge that are commonly used to measure the capacity or energy stored in batteries and other electrical devices. Here are some common questions and answers about these units:

What is the difference between mAh and Ah?

The main difference between mAh and Ah is the scale of the units. One milliampere-hour is equal to 1/1000 of an ampere-hour, or 0.001 Ah. In other words, 1000 mAh is equal to 1 Ah. This means that mAh is typically used to measure smaller values of electric charge, while Ah is used to measure larger values.

How do I convert mAh to Ah?

To convert a value in mAh to Ah, you can simply divide the value in mAh by 1000. For example, to convert 2000 mAh to Ah, you would divide 2000 by 1000, which gives you 2 Ah.

How do I convert Ah to mAh?

To convert a value in Ah to mAh, you can simply multiply the value in Ah by 1000. For example, to convert 3 Ah to mAh, you would multiply 3 by 1000, which gives you 3000 mAh.

What is the relationship between mAh and energy?

The relationship between mAh and energy depends on the voltage of the device or battery being used. In general, the energy stored in a device or battery can be calculated by multiplying the capacity (measured in mAh or Ah) by the voltage. For example, if a battery has a capacity of 1000 mAh and a voltage of 3.7 volts, the energy stored in the battery is 3.7 x 1000 = 3700 millijoules.

In summary, mAh and Ah are units of electric charge that are used to measure the capacity or energy stored in batteries and other electrical devices. To convert between these units, you can use the conversion factors 1 Ah = 1000 mAh and 1 mAh = 0.001 Ah. The relationship between mAh and energy depends on the voltage of the device or battery being used.


How many Ah are in a mA?

1000 mAh is equal to a 1 Amp Hour (AH) rating. Read more

How many amps is mAh?

A milliampere -- often shortened to milliamp -- is a submultiple of the ampere equivalent to one thousandth of an ampere (10-3 A or 0.001 A). Read more

How do you calculate milliampere hour?

1 ampere hour is equal to 1000 milliamp hour. (Just like 1 meter is 1000 milliamps.) So, to convert milliamp hours to watt hours, you multiply milliamp hours by volts and then divide by 1000. Read more

What is the difference between mAh and Ah?

A milliampere hour (mAh) is one 1000th of an ampere hour (Ah). Both measures are commonly used to describe the energy charge that a battery will hold and how long the device will last before the battery needs to be recharged. Read more


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