How to convert kW to Wh

How to convert electric power in kilowatts (kW) to energy in watt-hour (Wh).

You can calculate watt-hour from kilowatts and hours, but you can't convert kilowatt to watt-hour unit, since kilowatt and watt-hour units represent different quantities.

Kilowatts to watt-hour calculation formula

To convert electric power in kilowatts (kW) to energy in watt-hours (Wh), you can use the following formula:

E(Wh) = 1000 × P(kW) × t(h)


watt-hour = 1000 × kilowatt × hour


Wh = 1000 × kW × h


  • E is the energy in watt-hours,
  • P is the power in kilowatts, and
  • t is the time period in hours.

To use the formula, simply substitute the values for P and t into the equation and solve for E.

For example, if you have a power consumption of 4 kilowatts for a time duration of 3 hours, you can calculate the energy consumption in watt-hours like this:

E = 1000 × 4kW × 3h = 12000 Wh

This means that the energy consumption in the circuit is 12000 watt-hours.

It's important to note that this formula only applies to calculating energy consumption. If you are trying to calculate energy production or storage, you may need to use a different formula.



How to convert Wh to kW ►


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