
How to convert 15 amps to watts

How to convert electric current of 15 amps (A) to electric power in watts (W).

You can calculate (but not convert) the watts from amps and volts:

15A to watts calculation with voltage of 11V DC

For DC power supply, watts are equal to amps times volts.

watts = amps × volts

watts = 15A × 11V = 165W

15A to watts calculation with voltage of 110V AC

For AC power supply, watts are equal to the power factor times amps times volts.

watts = PF × amps × volts

For resistive load without inductors or capacitors, the power factor is equal to 1:

watts = 1 × 15A × 110V = 1650W

For inductive load (like induction motor), the power factor can be approximately equal to 0.7:

watts = 0.7 × 15A × 110V = 1150W

15A to watts calculation with voltage of 220V AC

For AC power supply, watts are equal to the power factor times amps times volts.

watts = PF × amps × volts

For resistive load without inductors or capacitors, the power factor is equal to 1:

watts = 1 × 15A × 220V = 3300W

For inductive load (like induction motor), the power factor can be approximately equal to 0.7:

watts = 0.7 × 15A × 220V = 2310W


How to convert amps to watts ►


See also


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