InicioWebColor › Selector de color de imagen - obtener códigos y nombres

Paso 1: captura la pantalla o la ventana presionando PrtScn o Alt + PrtScn

Paso 2: pegue en esta página presionando Ctrl + V

Paso 3: haga clic en la imagen para obtener el código de color del píxel

Step 1: Capture screen or window by pressing ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+3 or ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+4

Step 2: Paste in this page by pressing ⌘ Command+V

Step 3: Click on image to get pixel color code

Step 1: Capture screen by pressing Home +Hold / Power buttons

Step 2: Paste in this page by long tap and pressing Paste button.

Step 3: Click on image to get pixel color code

Step 1: Capture screen by pressing Volume up + Power buttons

Step 2: Paste in this page by pressing Paste button.

Step 3: Click on image to get pixel color code