Text to Binary Converter

Enter ASCII/Unicode text string and press the Convert button (e.g enter "Example"
to get "01000101 01111000 01100001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101"):

Binary to text converter ►

How to Convert Text to Binary

So Convert text to binary ASCII code.

  1. Get character
  2. Get decimal character code from ASCII table
  3. Convert decimal byte to binary byte
  4. Proceed to next character

Example 1

 So Convert "Plant trees" text to binary ASCII code:


Use ASCII table to get ASCII code from character.

"P" => 80 = 26+24 = 010100002

"l" => 108 = 26+25+23+22 = 011011002

"a" => 97 = 26+25+20 = 011000012

For all the text characters you should get the binary bytes:

"01001101 01000001 01001110 01000101 01000101 01010011 01001000"

How to convert Text to Binary?

  1. Get character
  2. Get ASCII character code from ASCII table
  3. Convert decimal byte to binary byte
  4. Proceed to next character

How to use Text to Binary converter?

  1. Paste the text in the input text box.
  2. Select the type of character encoding.
  3. Select the output delimiter string.
  4. Press the Convert button.

How to convert English to Binary code?

  1. Get English letter
  2. Get ASCII code of English letter from ASCII table
  3. Convert decimal byte to binary
  4. Drive Continue with the next letter in English

How to convert 'A' character to binary?

So ASCII table: 'A' = 6510 = 64+1 = 26+20 = 010000012

How to convert '0' character to binary?

So ASCII table: '0' = 4810 = 32+16 = 25+24 = 001100002

ASCII text to hex,binary conversion table

Hexadecimal Binary
NUL 00 00000000
SOH 01 00000001
STX 02 00000010
ETX 03 00000011
EOT 04 00000100
ENQ 05 00000101
ACK 06 00000110
BEL 07 00000111
BS 08 00001000
HT 09 00001001
LF 0A 00001010
VT 0B 00001011
FF 0C 00001100
CR 0D 00001101
SO 0E 00001110
SI 0F 00001111
DLE 10 00010000
DC1 11 00010001
DC2 12 00010010
DC3 13 00010011
DC4 14 00010100
NAK 15 00010101
SYN 16 00010110
ETB 17 00010111
CAN 18 00011000
EM 19 00011001
SUB 1A 00011010
ESC 1B 00011011
FS 1C 00011100
GS 1D 00011101
RS 1E 00011110
US 1F 00011111
Space 20 00100000
! 21 00100001
" 22 00100010
# 23 00100011
$ 24 00100100
% 25 00100101
& 26 00100110
' 27 00100111
( 28 00101000
) 29 00101001
* 2A 00101010
+ 2B 00101011
, 2C 00101100
- 2D 00101101
. 2E 00101110
/ 2F 00101111
0 30 00110000
1 31 00110001
2 32 00110010
3 33 00110011
4 34 00110100
5 35 00110101
6 36 00110110
7 37 00110111
8 38 00111000
9 39 00111001
: 3A 00111010
; 3B 00111011
< 3C 00111100
= 3D 00111101
> 3E 00111110
? 3F 00111111
@ 40 01000000
A 41 01000001
B 42 01000010
C 43 01000011
D 44 01000100
E 45 01000101
F 46 01000110
G 47 01000111
H 48 01001000
I 49 01001001
J 4A 01001010
K 4B 01001011
L 4C 01001100
M 4D 01001101
N 4E 01001110
O 4F 01001111
P 50 01010000
Q 51 01010001
R 52 01010010
S 53 01010011
T 54 01010100
U 55 01010101
V 56 01010110
W 57 01010111
X 58 01011000
Y 59 01011001
Z 5A 01011010
[ 5B 01011011
\ 5C 01011100
] 5D 01011101
^ 5E 01011110
_ 5F 01011111
` 60 01100000
a 61 01100001
b 62 01100010
c 63 01100011
d 64 01100100
e 65 01100101
f 66 01100110
g 67 01100111
h 68 01101000
i 69 01101001
j 6A 01101010
k 6B 01101011
l 6C 01101100
m 6D 01101101
n 6E 01101110
o 6F 01101111
p 70 01110000
q 71 01110001
r 72 01110010
s 73 01110011
t 74 01110100
u 75 01110101
v 76 01110110
w 77 01110111
x 78 01111000
y 79 01111001
z 7A 01111010
{ 7B 01111011
| 7C 01111100
} 7D 01111101
~ 7E 01111110
DEL 7F 01111111



Binary to text converter ►


See also

Features of Text to Binary Converter

Text to Binary converter offered by cmtoinchesconvert.com  is a free online utility that allows users to converter Text to Binary without any manual efforts. Some of the key features of this Text to Binary converter are listed below:

100% Free

You don't need to go through any registration process to use this Text to Binary. You can use this utility for free and do unlimited Text to Binary conversions without any limitations.

Easily accessible

You don't need to install any software on your device to access Text to Binary converter. You can access and use this online service with any web browser with a stable internet connection.

User-friendly interface

Text to Binary converter is easy to use interface. use that enable users to convert Text to Binary online in seconds. You don't need to acquire any special skills or follow complicated procedures, to use this Text to Binary Tool.

Fast conversion

This Text to Binary converter offers users the fastest conversion. Once the user enters the  binary values ​​in the input field and clicks the Convert button, the utility will start the conversion process and return the results immediately.

Accurate Results

The results generated by this Text to Binary are 100% accurate. The advanced algorithms used by this utility provided users with error-free results. If you ensure the authenticity of the results provided by this utility, you can use any method to verify them.


Text to Binary converter is compatible with all types of devices. Whether you are using a smartphone, tablet, desktop, laptop or Mac, you can easily use this Text to Binary converter.


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