Joules to Kilojoules conversion

Joules (J) to kilojoules (kJ), energy conversion calculator and how to convert.

Joules to kilojoules converter

Enter the energy in joules and press the Convert button:

Result in kilojoules: kJ

Kilojoules to Joules conversion ►

How to convert joules to kilojoules

One joule is equal to thousandth of a kilojoule:

5J = 0.005kJ

The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to the energy in joules E(J) divided by 1000:

E(kJ) = E(J) / 1000

Example 1

Convert 500 joules to kilojoules.

The energy E in kilojoules (kJ) is equal to 500 joules (J) divided by 1000:

E(kJ) = 500J / 1000 = 0.5kJ

Example 2

Convert 800 joules to kilojoules.

The energy E in kilojoules (kJ) is equal to 800 joules (J) divided by 1000:

E(kJ) = 800J / 1000 = 0.8kJ

Example 3

Convert 1800 joules to kilojoules.

The energy E in kilojoules (kJ) is equal to 1800 joules (J) divided by 1000:

E(kJ) = 1800J / 1000 = 1.8kJ

Example 4

Convert 2500 joules to kilojoules.

The energy E in kilojoules (kJ) is equal to 2500 joules (J) divided by 1000:

E(kJ) = 2500J / 1000 = 2.5kJ

Joules to kilojoules conversion table

Energy (J)Energy (kJ)
1 J0.001 kJ
2 J0.002 kJ
3 J0.003 kJ
4 J0.004 kJ
5 J0.005 kJ
6 J0.006 kJ
7 J0.007 kJ
8 J0.008 kJ
9 J0.009 kJ
10 J0.01 kJ
20 J0.02 kJ
30 J0.03 kJ
40 J0.04 kJ
50 J0.05 kJ
60 J0.06 kJ
70 J0.07 kJ
80 J0.08 kJ
90 J0.09 kJ
100 J0.1 kJ
200 J0.2 kJ
300 J0.3 kJ
400 J0.4 kJ
500 J0.5 kJ
600 J0.6 kJ
700 J0.7 kJ
800 J0.8 kJ
900 J0.9 kJ
1000 J1 kJ
2000 J2 kJ
3000 J3 kJ
4000 J4 kJ
5000 J5 kJ
6000 J6 kJ
7000 J7 kJ
8000 J8 kJ
9000 J9 kJ
10000 J10 kJ
100000 J100 kJ


KJ to Joules conversion ►


See also

How many joules are in a kilojoule?

The joule and kilojoule are units of the International System of Units (SI) for measuring energy. The standard symbol for joule is J[1], while the symbol for kilojoule is KJ. 1 J is exactly 0.001 KJ, so there are 1,000 joules in one kilojoule.

difference between joule and kilojoule

Joules and kilojoules are used to measure energy, but differ in magnitude. While the kilojoule is a derivative of the joule, the joule itself is a derived metric, which is equal to the energy transferred to an object when a force of one Newton acts on it in the direction of its motion through a distance of one meter ( 1 Newton Meter or N⋅m). A similar definition is the energy dissipated as heat by an electric current of one ampere passing for one second through a resistance of one ohm.

The energy unit is named after the 19th-century English physicist James Prescott Joule (1818–1889), who had significant contributions to physics, particularly relating to the nature of heat, and the discovery of its relationship to mechanical work. is given credit for.

how to convert joules to kilojoules

The conversion from joules to kilojoules is used for calculations related to energy requirements in machinery, electrical grids, as well as in biological entities. This conversion is quite simple - all you have to do is use the formula:

J / 1,000 = kJ

Naturally, having a calculator will make the calculations easier, but moving the decimal point 3 position to the right will yield the same result.

joule to kJ conversion example

Sample Task: Convert 2500 J to KJ. Solution:

J / 1000 = kJ
2200 J / 1,000 = 2.20 kJ
Final result:
2200 J equals 2.20 kJ . Is

Features of Joules to Kilojoules Converter Tool

Our Joules to Kilojoules Conversion Tool allows the users to Calculate Joules to Kilojoules . Some of the prominent features of this utility are explained below.

No Registration

You don’t need to go through any registration process to use the Joules to Kilojoules Conversion. Using this utility, you can Calculate Joules to Kilojoules as many times as you want for free.

Fast conversion

This Joules to Kilojoules Convertert offers users the fastest to calculate. Once the user enters the Joules to Kilojoules values ​​in the input field and clicks the Convert button, the utility will start the conversion process and return the results immediately.

Saves Time and Effort

The manual procedure of Calculate Joules to Kilojoules isn’t an easy task. You must spend a lot of time and effort to complete this task. The Joules to Kilojoules Conversion Tool allows you to complete the same task immediately. You will not be asked to follow manual procedures, as its automated algorithms will do the work for you.


Despite investing time and effort in manual Calculation, you might not be able to get your hands on accurate results. Not everyone is good at solving math problems, even if you think you're a pro, there's still a good chance you'll get in accurate results. This situation can be smartly handled with the help of a Joules to Kilojoules Conversion Tool. You will be provided with 100% accurate results by this online tool.


The online Joules to Kilojoules converter perfectly works on all operating systems. Whether you have a Mac, iOS, Android, Windows, or Linux device, you can easily use this online tool without facing any hassle.

100% Free

You don't need to go through any registration process to use this Joules to Kilojoules Calculator. You can use this utility for free and do unlimited Joules to Kilojoules Conversion without any limitations.


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