RGB to CMYK color conversion

Enter red, green and blue color levels (0..255) and press the Convert button:

Red color (R):
Green color (G):
Blue color (B):
Cyan color (C): %
Magenta color (M): %
Yellow color (Y): %
Black key color (K): %
Color preview:

CMYK to RGB conversion ►

RGB to CMYK conversion formula

The R,G,B values are divided by 255 to change the range from 0..255 to 0..1:

R' = R/255

G' = G/255

B' = B/255

The black key (K) color is calculated from the red (R'), green (G') and blue (B') colors:

K = 1-max(R', G', B')

The cyan color (C) is calculated from the red (R') and black (K) colors:

C = (1-R'-K) / (1-K)

The magenta color (M) is calculated from the green (G') and black (K) colors:

M = (1-G'-K) / (1-K)

The yellow color (Y) is calculated from the blue (B') and black (K) colors:

Y = (1-B'-K) / (1-K)

RGB to CMYK table

Color Color


(R,G,B) Hex (C,M,Y,K)
  Black (0,0,0) #000000 (0,0,0,1)
  White (255,255,255) #FFFFFF (0,0,0,0)
  Red (255,0,0) #FF0000 (0,1,1,0)
  Green (0,255,0) #00FF00 (1,0,1,0)
  Blue (0,0,255) #0000FF (1,1,0,0)
  Yellow (255,255,0) #FFFF00 (0,0,1,0)
  Cyan (0,255,255) #00FFFF (1,0,0,0)
  Magenta (255,0,255) #FF00FF (0,1,0,0)


CMYK to RGB conversion ►


See also


Why RGB to CMYK conversion is important

In order to produce accurate and consistent color across different media, it is important to convert RGB colors to CMYK colors. RGB colors are made up of three primary colors- red, green, and blue- while CMYK colors are made up of four primary colors- cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. When these colors are combined, they create different shades and hues.

To accurately convert RGB colors to CMYK colors, it is important to understand how each color is represented. RGB colors are represented by values between 0 and 255, while CMYK colors are represented by percentages between 0 and 100. To convert RGB to CMYK, you simply need to multiply the RGB values by the corresponding CMYK percentages.

For example, if you have an RGB color value of 150, you would multiply that value by the cyan percentage (0.5), the magenta percentage (0.5), the yellow percentage (0.5),

Tips for RGB to CMYK conversion

When you are working with color in print, it is important to be aware of the differences between the RGB color space and the CMYK color space. RGB is the color space used by digital devices such as computer monitors, and CMYK is the color space used by printers.

If you are converting colors from RGB to CMYK, you need to be aware of the different color gamuts of these two color spaces. The RGB color space has a larger color gamut than the CMYK color space. This means that some colors that can be reproduced in RGB cannot be reproduced in CMYK.

When you are converting colors from RGB to CMYK, you need to be aware of the different color modes of these two color spaces. RGB is a color mode that uses red, green, and blue light to create colors, and CMYK is a color mode that uses cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks to create colors.

RGB to CMYK color conversion

is the process of transforming colors from the RGB color space, used in digital displays and photography, to the CMYK color space, used in printing. The RGB color space uses three primary colors, red, green, and blue, to create all other colors. The CMYK color space uses four primary colors, cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, to create all other colors.

RGB to CMYK color conversion is necessary when printing because the CMYK color space can produce a wider range of colors than the RGB color space. The RGB color space can produce only 256 different colors, while the CMYK color space can produce 16.7 million different colors. In order to produce the widest range of colors possible, printers use a technique called “dithering”, which combines different colors to create a new color.

There are a few different methods that can be used to convert colors from RGB to CMYK. 

Features of RGB to CMYK Color Converter Tool

  1. Compatibility with various file formats: A good RGB to CMYK converter tool should support a range of file formats, including JPG, PNG, and TIFF, to ensure that you can convert any image or document you need.

  2. Batch conversion: This feature allows you to convert multiple files at once, saving you time and effort when working with large numbers of images or documents.

  3. Customizable color conversion settings: Some tools allow you to fine-tune the color conversion process, giving you more control over the final result.

  4. Preview function: This feature allows you to preview the converted image or document before saving it, so you can ensure that the colors are accurate and to your liking.

  5. Support for different color spaces: A good converter tool should support different color spaces, such as sRGB and Adobe RGB, to ensure that you can convert images and documents with a wide range of color profiles.

  6. Automatic color management: Some tools include automatic color management features that can help to ensure that the colors in your converted images and documents are consistent and accurate.

  7. Easy-to-use interface: The tool should have an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate, even for users who are not familiar with color conversion processes.

  8. Speed: The tool should be able to quickly and efficiently convert images and documents, so you don't have to wait long for the process to complete.

  9. Compatibility with different operating systems: A good converter tool should be compatible with a range of operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux, to ensure that you can use it no matter what type of device you are working on.

  10. Support and documentation: It's always helpful to have access to support and documentation, in case you run into any issues or have questions about how to use the tool.


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